It's been a while, a long while since we've updated the blog. For the most part the has been running along with people creating and printing their certificates without any intervention from me. We have been busy working on some new ideas and we are ready to get the word out and into your hands and onto your iPhones and iPads. Since the first of the year I have been quietly releasing small Certificate Creator theme packs for iOS devices. The first one was suppose to be released for the Christmas season with some of our popular Christmas certificates but we ran into a little approval hiccup and weren't granted into the app store till after Christmas. Up next was a theme pack for Valentines Day. Once again an approval hiccup had us miss the February 14th date. Not to despair I released a third app, this one featuring the certificates that are currently in the Free Area of the site. Third time was a charm as it breezed right thru the approval process.
These iOS offerings are the same templates with some slight and subtle changes here and there. The main difference to the iOS apps are their customization options. All that is available to change are certain fields like the recipients name, what the certificate is for, date and who the certificate is from. Unlike the full membership area where anything on the certificate can be changed the iOS apps are limited.
The main focus of the iOS apps are still printing but the iOS apps also enable sharing via social networks. The apps can share certificates to Facebook, Twitter, email and Flickr as well as to the user's camera roll.
Give them a go on your iPhone and iPad: